1. The Link Between Power, Money and Infidelity

    "Money is power. Power is an aphrodisiac."  - Felix Dennis, English poet and publisher Though we like to believe that attraction is more of a circumstance of chemistry or romantic connections, the link between money and sex is often an easily-observed one. Throughout history, those who hold power are often seen as being able to attract more members of the opposite sex. And there is always some fa…Read More

  2. Why Your Teen’s Rebellion isn’t a Cause for Alarm

    It seemingly happens overnight. One day, your perfect child is just as charming and enjoyable as they ever were; the next, they question everything and push every envelope. Where once they looked to please you and fill you with pride; now it seems that they test your patience and your parenting at every turn. But be patient; unless your teen steps over the line and begins to engage in dangerous ac…Read More

  3. How to Reduce Sibling Rivalries

    To an only child, siblings often seem like built-in friends.... Someone always there for entertainment and support....Someone to lean on, a comrade of sorts, a partner to create a history with. But those with siblings know the truth. More often than not, siblings clash over a variety of issues; which often stem from vying for parental attention or the need to establish unique personal dynamics. A…Read More

  4. Tips for Communicating with Your Teen

    Most parents often find that one of the biggest challenges of parenthood is communicating with a teenager. It often feels that there exist very few ways to get a teen to open up or to fully engage in a conversation. Bordering on the verge of leaving childhood behind, yet not being able to claim full adulthood, teens are frequently confused about who they are and who they are perceived to be. Commu…Read More

  5. Overcome Roadblocks with An Experienced Marriage and Family Therapist

    Sometimes difficulties that we experience in our marriage can make it feel like we've come to the end of the road. Emotions are high and you may feel that these issues are too big to overcome, and you may feel like giving up and walking away from the relationship. What feels like the end of the road may just in fact be a roadblock, and with the right marriage and family therapist you and your pa…Read More